Passion Week


Passion week kicks off with the day we now refer to as Palm Sunday. This was the time Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a young donkey, a colt. This was seen as fulfilling the prophecy from Zechariah 9:9 (“Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey”)
Choose one or more of the Gospels below to read through the account of Jesus entering Jerusalem. Highlight verses that stand out to you. What can you learn about Jesus through this story? What can you learn about people? What can you apply to your life based on what you read? 
Matthew 21:1-11 
Mark 11:1-11
Luke 19:28-44
John 12:12-19

Prayer focus

Jesus knew what this journey was leading to, and he knew the hearts of those gathered around him. Some probably understood him to be the Messiah, someone who would bring spiritual victory. Others were still confused, believing he would bring political victory. And when those expectations were meant, these "Hosanna's" would quickly turn to "Crucify him!".
  • In your prayer time, pray about the things that stood out to you as you read through this story. What's God saying to you today?
  • Consider your own life of worship. We know that it's easy to praise Him on Sunday. How about Monday-Saturday? What trips you up during the week? What prevents you from living a life of worship throughout the week? Praise him today for being your Lord and Savior and ask him to help you live a life of worship each day.
If you've never committed your life to Christ and you would like to talk more about that, click below to request to talk to someone about this important decision!