Small Groups

Why  join a small  group?

Hill Church exists to make disciples of Jesus. One of the ways we are intentional with making disciples is through our Small Groups. In our small groups, the focus is not to consume more knowledge (although you will go through good studies together), but rather how we are putting our knowledge into practice. Our personal discipleship grows as we allow others to speak into our lives and hold us accountable to our personal plan of growth. In turn, our discipleship grows as we disciple others. Small groups allow everyone to be in a safe environment to practice both. As we approach small groups with a posture of humility, a willingness to be challenged and try new things, and with love and grace, God will do incredible things through your group experience.
If you are new to Hill Church, new to being a Christian, or you're feeling stuck and not sure what your next step is, consider meeting with Lance for Starting Point. Starting Point will get you acquainted with the mission and vision of Hill Church, as well as the intentional opportunities we offer to help you take your next step.  E-mail Lance at
If you missed out on our last session of Rooted, the next one is quickly approaching! In this 10 week small group experience you will develop a strong foundation of faith, centered around 7 rhythms of discipleship found in the early church from Acts 2. You can click HERE to learn more about Rooted.
If you are new to Small Groups and haven't signed up for Rooted, we hope you will start with that as your first small group experience here at Hill Church. If you've done that, your next step would be to find a group that you can be consistent with. Connecting with other Christians and growing together is so important for you to maintain momentum in your spiritual growth. We have a good mix of groups to choose from, whether you're looking for a Men's group, Women's group, or mixed groups. Check out our list of groups HERE.